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Chords and Tabs => Phish Tabs => Topic started by: arkjdfgkjdbf on December 06, 2007, 12:18:35 AM

Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: arkjdfgkjdbf on December 06, 2007, 12:18:35 AM
Go for it.  I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I tend to put off learning to more technical numbers.  Stash though is not as intimidating as it sounds, and really fun to play.  Have some friends around to add the appropriate claps  :wink: .  Have fun with this one...and don't forget to write original material too!
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: strangedesign on December 06, 2007, 12:23:51 AM
This is one of the 1st songs I sat down and learned back in my college days. It really is a phun song to play...
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: Poster on December 06, 2007, 12:40:55 AM
man i love that stashy/landlady groove, makes people spontaneously do the limbo :lol:
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: Walker done done on December 06, 2007, 11:30:28 AM
^^^  :lol: Agreed!

This was the first \"hard\" Phish tune I forced myself to learn.  And you're right, it's not as hard as it sounds.  I still have trouble with the part that wraps back around to the beginning riff because of the speed of it, but that's only because I haven't given it it's due diligence in a few years.  Basically, once I learned the song and played it a few times for people, I put it away.  Mainly because I wanted to play it with a band (how sweet would that be?) but the only other person I found willing to learn it was my drummer, who eventually moved to SF, but is now back in Boston.  Sick drummer.  When he was home 2 weeks ago we tackled Divided Sky - first time I've played it all the way through w/ another person - it's usually just me playing it.  It sucks to not have a drummer, keys, and bassist that I can jam with on these songs..... :?
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: Poster on December 06, 2007, 11:44:18 AM
well if they can get in the right key, the keyboard guy should be able to jam a bit. tell him to find a synth pad that works okay, and anybody can rock out with a good synth pad. the drummer just really needs to listen to it over and over to get sort of familiar with the changes. I have never really played with a bad bass player so I dont know how to handle that one. What I have found though is that classically trained bass players do not like to jam, same with classically trained keyboard players. its just too hard not to get out of the comfort zone. My advice is just jam endlessly with whoever your trying to play a tune with (if you feel they are worth the effort) and just keep jamming out parts of the tune you want them to learn. after they naturally take to the groove, just let them know they just learned the hardest part of a really complicated song. maybe that will spur some more interest to learn the material.

hell my chops are so rusty now, that its going to take some weeks of full time jamming to get anywhere near where i was again.
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: gratephulphish123 on December 06, 2007, 07:36:19 PM
i learned the intro to this and the verse chords and the singalong (oh ah oh ah ah) but that little middle part gets me. plus my band wouldnt do it so not really much incentive to learn.
Title: Re:
Post by: Walker done done on December 06, 2007, 08:09:41 PM
Quote from: \"gratephulphish123\"i learned the intro to this and the verse chords and the singalong (oh ah oh ah ah) but that little middle part gets me. plus my band wouldnt do it so not really much incentive to learn.

I hear ya there - my band won't learn it either.  Actually, not sure anyone is even qualified to learn it, but I digress.  If you want me to post a video of Stash (or any other song for that matter), let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Title: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: arkjdfgkjdbf on December 07, 2007, 09:50:43 AM
yeah there's no way any of my friends would learn it on piano or bass.  i'll sooner play it with page and gordo.
Title: Re: For those about to tackle stash...
Post by: phishdog on February 11, 2009, 01:22:53 PM
Anyone know the proper chords/voicings for this song? I see a bunch of different ones at various places. Closest I could get was D7, Bb7, Em7b5, A7b9. I play these ones around the middle of the neck.

I want to work on changing from the nat minor to the harmonic minor and hitting the C# over the A7b9 chord before it resolves back to D.

I think the Bb7 is where i might be off on this one. Any other tips for laying down some looping tracks for this one so I can practice soloing in the stash style?