'Doc on the way

Started by picture_of_nectar, July 29, 2010, 11:21:51 AM

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Yeah totally Andrew. Interesting stuff. Thanks.

Also I should mention Paul told me he will share ideas amongst trusted luthiers, so maybe email him...
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone


I know I'm late on this but that is one bad axe you have.  I would have to take a month off work and sit and play it 12 hrs a day.  Very nice piece man.
Guitars: 4 custom built, '79 LP standard, '69 ES 355, '83 LP Jr, '02 PRS HB II, '99 Strat>Bypass looper: Whammy II>Clyde Deluxe Wah>Maxon OD9Pro+>Cusack Tap-A-Whirl>Deja Vibe>Neo Ventilator>Fuchs TDS 100
Effects Loop: DD-7(short)>DD-7(long)


Doesn't seem to be a lot of chatter here in the Guitar section...

PON, I'd love to know how things are going with the Doc after these last few weeks. How's it settling in? I imagine that it just keeps getting better and better as you play it in.

Andrew Olson
AO Guitars


Quote from: aoguitars on October 29, 2010, 09:55:52 AM
Doesn't seem to be a lot of chatter here in the Guitar section...

PON, I'd love to know how things are going with the Doc after these last few weeks. How's it settling in? I imagine that it just keeps getting better and better as you play it in.

You're right Andrew, very little chatter here...come to think of it, weren't you supposed to treat us all to an AO thread?  That would certainly spark some discussion.

And I second the follow up 'Doc review.
Current Rig:
Ron Kirn Barn Buster Telecaster---->Crybaby-->Ross Compressor--->Analogman King of Tone(just replaced my two TS9-Silver Mods)--->Ernie Ball Volume Pedal---> Fender Deluxe Reverb RI.  All connected using AO Guitars custom cables which are insane.

WOAH! New Blog! Check out my AO Guitars 'Doc Build here: www.patrickstefanski.com/blog *******UPDATED 03/11/11


I freakin love it! The rest of my collection has been totally neglected.

It's rediculously responsive to pick attack. Can do some fun things with feedback, or dial it out really easily. I have to run my compressor really low or she wants to howl like a wolf.

The neck is really comfortable. Action is a bit high, kina plays like an acoustic. I was able to lower it without getting any fret buzz, but it seems some tone was sacrificed so I put it back up. I guess Paulknows what he's doing...

Basically it sounds as good as it looks....or better. It cuts through our bands mix really well. Can get lots of different tones out of it. One of my favorite toggle possitions is the dropped coil in parralel. Has a really cool quacky strat tone.

Once we get a good recording from band practice I'll post it up. Fair warning tho I am pretty much a rookie player. We are thinking about throwing our first gig soon. Getting really psyched about music opportunities these days!

Thanks for checkin in y'all. I can say if you can spring for a Doc, do it and don't look back. Really happy with the G4.

Here is some eye candy:

Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone

Walker done done

Quote from: picture_of_nectar on October 29, 2010, 01:27:34 PM
The rest of my collection has been totally neglected.

LOL...as expected, of course.

Great review though, very happy you're psyched with it (again, as expected).  Can't wait to hear some audio.
Guitars: Resurrection Phishy Hollowbody (koa top/back, cedar sides, Schaller Golden 50 pups, 2 series/single coil/parallel switches), Gibson SG Faded, Dean Evo, Fender Tele, Ovation Acoustic, Fender Acoustic

Signal Path: Garmopat-modded Vox V847 wah > Emma Discumbobulator > TS808 silver > TS9 silver > Ross Compressor (grey) > Alesis Microverb (reverb) > Mesa Boogie Mark III with custom 2x12 AO cabinet (speakers: Tone Tubby & Emminence Commonwealth).

Loop 1: Whammy II > Nova Delay
Loop 2: Alesis Microverb (reverse) > Ibanez DM2000 > CAE Super Trem > Black Cat Vibe
Loop 3 Boomerang+
Tuner: Boss TU-3

Effects not in use:  Voce Spin II (leslie sim), Boss DD6, Digitech RPM-1 (leslie sim), Analogman Orange Squeeze, Keeley 4knob Comp, Ernie Ball Volume Pedal, Super Hard On (boost), Ibanez AW7 (autowah), Denelectro French Fries (autowah) - If interested in any of these PM me.  Always willing to deal.


Nice, PON...that's what we all expected, but I figured I should check in to get the good word directly.

And Patrick, thanks for reminding me...I'm finishing up a special project right now, so maybe this is a perfect time to start the AO thread.

Andrew Olson
AO Guitars