Can anyone identify this guitar?

Started by zlew3885, January 19, 2009, 03:21:30 PM

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Found this posted up on craigslist in my area...guy wants 75 bucks for it.  Looks like a pretty nice guitar, maybe like a Les Paul TV copy? He has no idea of the make and just knows "it sounds good".  Says he bought it in '86.  Any ideas?


Its probably an Aria or insert shitty Japanese 1980's made guitar name here _____ . It may look neat but its a mega piece of shit. If your looking for a neat thing to fashion a huge bong out of, you may have struck gold.


If your close though, no harm in checking it out. You never know. Sometimes people don't know what they have.

True Story:
About a year ago I bought a Leslie 145 or 140 something (Very heavy!!) from my neighbor two house down as she was clearing out the basement in a garage sale. She had a hammond organ too and she just needed them moved as they were her deceased fathers items. I offered $100 for the Leslie and she said "no its got to be worth a little more than that". (To be honest I didn't even no what they are worth) I then came back and offered $150 she said "yes but you have to move it". I got the organ (very very heavy)!! for another $200 and proceeded to move it all down the road on dolly's to my garage. I posted both on Craigs List that night. The next day they were sold together for $1200. A little work on my part and some cleaning but they looked and worked great. I have heard I could have gotten more from others but I don't care it was quick cash.

Sometimes, you just don't know. I new I wasn't going to use the Leslie, although I really wanted to try it with a guitar. Right now people seem to be selling lots of used stuff for cheap, everyone needs money.
AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux


^ Dude Iam going to only tell you this ONE time.

Ive worked in guitar stores since I was a teenager. I KNOW what that piece of shit is because Ive seen hundreds of them. A friend of mine whos worked in Boutique guitar shops forever (currently at Martin Music Memphis the largest PRS and SUHR dealer in the world) was sitting right next to me, and we both knew exactly what it was. I didnt guesstimate or talk out of my ass. I NEVER do.

As far as all of the other gear discussions go, Ive toured numerous times, played ginormous venues, and currently have my own guitar tech scampering around handling my rig for shows. Not trying to sound like the biggest asshole on the planet here, but sometimes you need not offer obvious "diamond in the rough" advice, when I took the time to give it a brand name, country of manufactured origin, and a basic label of POS.

Good score on the Hammond organ, but again, Organs are regularly misidentified. Any wonky shaped guitar rarely goes unnoticed... Many of those organs are heavy and for that simple reason the chances of finding one in a basement are exponentially more likely than some 75$ epic guitar thats already posted online where hundreds of people have already seen it.  :'(

( again not trying to be a dickhead, but dude Iam not just sitting here, lurking with a bong in my hand, all stoned, rambling on and on and on and on... Most all of the threads Ive seen from this new influx of Phish reunion inspired kids could have easily never been created if somebody had taken the time to read all of the older threads on those subjects {ie whammy octave down+wah+screamer tone} if there is something youd like to add or another thought you have on those subjects post a reply in those threads, and all of us will see that the topic has been upp'd. thus, no more repeating on and on and on and on and on and on )


AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux