leslie west quote

Started by sour d, April 07, 2010, 06:37:13 AM

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sour d

This has nothing to do with anything but I was reading something that leslie west said and I thought it was funny.

"Larry DiMarzio once told me my tone was in my right-hand attack, and he was right. Also, I never felt like I needed a two- or three-pickup guitar, because you can get a lot of tones out of a single pickup. If you're in a room filled with gasoline, how many matches do you really need? One good one and a backup!"
Phiga bolt or Resurrection phishy hollowbody>bc rich emp 45 5 loop switcher. LOOP1: Emma discumbobulator>RMC joe walsh wah>'82 ts9>silver mod od9>ross compressor. LOOP2: add mid '80's proco rat LOOP3: add whammyII> digitech ex7. LOOP4: add microverb X2> dm2000> boomerang> digitech JML2. LOOP5: guitar into amp. '76 fender twin or a '64 fender deluxe

sour d

To make up for the stupid quote, here's a link to metallica's fungus experiments

Phiga bolt or Resurrection phishy hollowbody>bc rich emp 45 5 loop switcher. LOOP1: Emma discumbobulator>RMC joe walsh wah>'82 ts9>silver mod od9>ross compressor. LOOP2: add mid '80's proco rat LOOP3: add whammyII> digitech ex7. LOOP4: add microverb X2> dm2000> boomerang> digitech JML2. LOOP5: guitar into amp. '76 fender twin or a '64 fender deluxe


Sour D,
We should do this next time we jam. Maybe not that song but take some other heavy number and make it more chill. That is really funny and yet really good! Nice find.

AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux


my wife thought that version was way better then the original. i think during the guitar solo he should have kicked in some overdrive or distortion, but i was a allsum chnage.
All aboard for the tour, riding next to the truth...
