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Guitar Rig 3

Started by GonePhishing46, March 25, 2010, 02:37:08 PM

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Well I was experimenting with some recording software and downloaded a torrent for Guitar Rig 3. It's really easy to use and can produce a variety of new sounds. Although I don't like emulated amps and effects that much, here's a YouTube video of a killer tone. The first time I heard it, I thought it was Trey... This dude has it down.
Custom Hollowbody -> TS-10 -> TS-9 modded -> Ross Compressor -> Whammy II (True Bypass) -> Tuner -> Black Cat Vibe -> Alesis Quadraverb -> Groove Tubes Soul-O-75 -> Groove Tubes 4x10 Cabinet || Hammond Leslie


Any idea if you can use 2 screamers together on this Guitar Rig software?


Yeah you can. You can add multiple effects and drag them them in any order
Custom Hollowbody -> TS-10 -> TS-9 modded -> Ross Compressor -> Whammy II (True Bypass) -> Tuner -> Black Cat Vibe -> Alesis Quadraverb -> Groove Tubes Soul-O-75 -> Groove Tubes 4x10 Cabinet || Hammond Leslie


The issue i have with software is the fact that you dont have EL84's running in your computer. I have 2 amps and both are tube amps. Ya dig


Fo sho. I did read something about routing external effects into the chains... so maybe amps can be routed too. Who knows. It's fun to mess around on though
Custom Hollowbody -> TS-10 -> TS-9 modded -> Ross Compressor -> Whammy II (True Bypass) -> Tuner -> Black Cat Vibe -> Alesis Quadraverb -> Groove Tubes Soul-O-75 -> Groove Tubes 4x10 Cabinet || Hammond Leslie


I haveta say, for a compter program it's pretty damn close. His Hood solo isn't bad either.
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone


I didnt like the reverb but other then that its sweet


This software is amazing for the simple fact that you can mess around with millions of set-ups without having to purchase the amps, speakers, pedal, etc... The modeling is prettly accurate (not perfect in all aspects, but ballpark atleast), but I don't think it would be wise to use it for a gig because of the lag (latency) that your computer will add. I have gotten pretty close to a lot of Trey tones with GR3, mostly by screwing around with a whammy, pair of tubescreamers, comp, mesa amp, 4x10 cab, and leslie. I have my modded GCB before my computer. I definitely don't have the money to start buying guitar gear, so this gets me close to a lot of peoples tones (not just Trey) by allowing me to put together endless chains of gear. I also like the fact that I can play with effects to get the general idea of what they do, how they sound, and where they fit, that way I know a lot more about what I'm looking for when I go buy a real pedal.
Ibanez SR300 Bass -> SWR Workingman's 15 Combo
Ibanez AS80 -> GCB -> TS-9 -> CS-3 -> RP3 -> Superchamp XD