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Started by beebs, August 11, 2010, 03:56:55 PM

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Here's the mp3:

Feel free to comment. I hope that some of you can use this as a practice backing track, or even possibly upload an overdubbed lead. The drums are from a drum machine program.

If that link doesn't work, it's on this page.
Ibanez SR300 Bass -> SWR Workingman's 15 Combo
Ibanez AS80 -> GCB -> TS-9 -> CS-3 -> RP3 -> Superchamp XD


Just an update, I've decided that I'm going to learn bass from the ground up the right way unlike what I did with guitar. I am picking this instrument up to be able to play it musically, not just try and wander through a sea of knowledge trying to sound good or wail out guitar solos and tricks like I did with guitar for a few years (never took lessons and tried to rush straight into a lot of things and developed bad habits and hit several plateaus as a result). I am going to learn to read sheet music and become proficient with finger picking with the help of professional lessons and I'm not giving up on guitar though, I'm just ready to become a musician instead of someone that owns and plays guitar at home.
Ibanez SR300 Bass -> SWR Workingman's 15 Combo
Ibanez AS80 -> GCB -> TS-9 -> CS-3 -> RP3 -> Superchamp XD