The correct Weber for a Deluxe Reverb (in relation to Trey's Amp)

Started by raisingfreen, February 03, 2010, 06:14:18 PM

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Quote from: raisingfreen on February 23, 2010, 10:33:45 PM
HunSanity, BTW, if you can get a semi-free classic 30 from your father go for it. Those are fun amps and great on a budget. There is nothing in my opinion wrong with a peavey classic 30. You could even experiment with a speaker swap should you want to try something different. Plus they don't look half bad if that matters to you. They have a nice vintage vibe. If I had to sell my Deluxe for the money I would look for one of those for home use and jams etc... I think it even has a master volume like Poster mentioned so you could dial it in for man-cave use as well. Plus I know it will sing live as I have seen many players use them and they can be loud. It's a nice six cabinet as well not too small and has enough space. I am assuming you were referring to an older one with the tweed covering. If you can get it grab it and be happy. You already mentioned you liked that sound so I think you answered your own question as to what amp to get. If you get it and don't like it email me and I will take it off your hands.

Look at old Magnatones as well. Great sounding stuff that can sometimes be had cheap.

im with you on that.. the Classic 30 is sick.  im liking the blue marvel so far and its smaller and portabe and the clean is a very nice clean with the reverb up and its fitting in great at practice fo rthe stuff we are doing..frank sinatra, nat king cole type stuff....  it really has fender like qualities IMO.  i was mentioning how most likely i will be playing through Rolands at our gig due to the fac that my guys running the band (been since the 70's) are being particular about mee running to the board on a line out (which these rolands have) vs. micing say a peavey that im hoping that said it looks like i might not even use my actual amp at a gig.. more so i will be a blend in player that only needs to cut through on a few solo's and some wah funk...

so im holding out hope that my pop gives in and just says "keep the 30" as he has a ton of them.. but he is in a band as well and likes to keep 2 of them at his buddy's for practice, and then 2 of them with a delta blues at his house.. so its to a point where he has more then he needs, but the way he sets up and runs 2 chorus pedals he need to play with 2 amps at all times, and doesnt wat to have to lug an amp to every practic.  but its the small price he should pay for his son, right? hahah

its black by the way, which i think i actually preferr although i would be equally happy if i found a tweed...  so im going to 1) see what i can do about getting my hotrod looked at and maybe tuned up.. 2) keep looking on craigslist to find a swap or a used affordable classic 30.. or maybe he will jus tgive me one..

and if you are interested in a classic 30 check out craiglist dude.. they pop up from time to time depending on your area..


Was not aware that you had a hotrod either. I have a good friend in town, Walker actually and he uses a hotrod deluxe. I think he sounds great though it. It has a nice overdrive built in and can also have a line out for recording via the preamp out section. You can try a speaker swap (if you want to try a new flavor)(try ebay) in there as well. Maybe try a Weber Blue that is double the wattage of the amp. So if the amp is 50watts get a 100watt Weber blue for example (just an opinion). It should give it more headroom as well. Walker got a tone tubby in his and it sounds great. That seems to be a great all around amp. It may not be vintage, hand wired or modded etc.... but it can get the job done and hold its own in a band. You sound like your just getting started in this band anyway so no need to break the bank. Keep that hotrod forever as a backup if you do end up getting into a band you really like. BTW, If by chance your in Maine and want to get a project started I am game.
AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux


Quote from: raisingfreen on February 24, 2010, 06:40:10 PM
Was not aware that you had a hotrod either. I have a good friend in town, Walker actually and he uses a hotrod deluxe. I think he sounds great though it. It has a nice overdrive built in and can also have a line out for recording via the preamp out section. You can try a speaker swap (if you want to try a new flavor)(try ebay) in there as well. Maybe try a Weber Blue that is double the wattage of the amp. So if the amp is 50watts get a 100watt Weber blue for example (just an opinion). It should give it more headroom as well. Walker got a tone tubby in his and it sounds great. That seems to be a great all around amp. It may not be vintage, hand wired or modded etc.... but it can get the job done and hold its own in a band. You sound like your just getting started in this band anyway so no need to break the bank. Keep that hotrod forever as a backup if you do end up getting into a band you really like. BTW, If by chance your in Maine and want to get a project started I am game.

yes, i actually think its pretty sweet some of you dudes have a HotRod as well.  I was talking to walker actually about that on PM.  he gave me some good stuff.  yeah i think there is something going on with my hot rod and i have alway just sort of worked around it and tweeked the setting to hid the issie i have.  IE too trebly / metalic sounding... so when i am playing through my TS's they hide all the POP it has etc.  dont knwo how else to describe my issie other then there is too much POP when i chop a chord or pluck out a single note...but the TS's i have with the silver do a great job lessening that.  so the whole reason i have been scratching my head lately is because i have to play a few jazz-esque tunes where i cant have ANY OD... even my Silver ALL the way down has too much crunch for say frank i have to play the amp straight up.. hence my issue.  so far im holding on the th eclassic 30 until i have to give it back.. but im goin to delve into getitng my hotrod tuned up i think.. dont get me wrong i can get that thing twappin... its just misisng something.. i looked at the speaker and the magnet says FENDER LOUD SPEAKER for musical instruments or pretty sure its the speaker they put in them i have to look into that..


HunSanity, call CJ at Weber immediately and tell him what you have described. "The POP". I understand its like trying to describe a problem to a car mechanic sometimes but he seems to know what we are actually referring too. The HRD is a boomy kinda amp anyway. It can be clean but is not the same as say a blackface sound. It's more of an mild tweed sound but with way more headroom. That is a 40 watt amp but they put a 50 watt Ceramic Eminence in them. When cranked I think it puts out more than 40 Watts and affects the sound. (There is a technical term for how this works that I cant recall). I would put in at least a 75 watt, you should get more clean at higher volumes and you can use your Silvers for the other stuff. The Weber Alinco Blue Dog is about $200 I think. Also you may be able to swap one of the 12AX7's for a 12AY7 which will give a slightly lower gain sound (Check this with a local tech first). CJ had some good tricks. I think Fender wants everything to overdrive sooner on these (HRD's) as people seem like that in these amps, "loud, chimey and punchy". For the cleaner jammy stuff I think a simple speaker swap may help a lot in what you describe. Again call CJ at Weber, he will tell you exactly what's what. Also have Walker show you some settings with this amp. He has it dialed in pretty well. He also has a hollowbody however so that affects how he sets it.

I remember being shocked when I found out Trey's Deluxe which is rated 22watts has a 50Watt Alinco Blue. I never really understood why the jump in Speaker Watts till now. (I still don't entirely but its starting to make sense) If you go too high the amp will be all headroom or sometimes an overall volume decrease and no breakup. There seems to be a correct match for every situation.

All this is assuming the POP you speak of is not a amp problem but more of a overall characteristic with this amp. If you turn the amp down a bit does it sound better (no pop)? If yes than there are other things to consider possibly. What happens when you play lighter instead of really digging in? That amp is pretty touch sensitive as well.

I am starting to think that when you say "POP" you mean "Bark". If you have a compressor experiment with that too. But take out everything else in the chain and just get the sound right. Forget the other crap. Dial in your perfect clean and build on that.

Also, read this article about halfway down when Trey talks about amp volume.

Always build on your amps basic clean sound. I have found (IMO) you cant fail if you just add to it or push it a bit (everything in moderation). That may very well mean that you don't turn it up past 5 and lighten your attack.
AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux


all i know is this bark or pop should be referred to as "suck"  .. haha

i actually lucked out and met a dude in my are that does botique work.. and has worked on a ton of hor rods.  so in my convo he got to know me and my views and likes, and he is all over it.  so he is going to do some work and mod me up and knows what i need.  he actually is down ph and all and said he is very farmiliar with the weber family and knows hard truckers stuff etc.. pretty crazy as far as the timing.  next thing i know ill prob find out he is on this board he almost seems liek he would def have heard of this site at im gonna go hang wiht him soon and he is going to hook it up.  then with you guys and walkers advice im goinna put in a new speaker.  Since my hotrod is unplugged righth now and just sitting i took out the tubes and they def are shot (i had GT rated at 4) as when i installed them i wanted low cruch so that def is an issue with needing new tubes to begin with i bet .. and call me a nub, but i was shock to see how easy the speaker is hooked up.. holy crap it just plugs in like a regular guitar cable.  crazy i was expecting stuff ot be all sottered.  i never even really looked back there until recently.  so that said the hot rod is going to get a face lift and ill let you know how it goes..

started workign on Mr Magic last night for my new band sitch and who thats a sick tune to jam.. B Major scales and a lot of sax solo so me and the sax player are going to go back and forth..great funky jazz style so i cant wait to ge tthis amp rocking..


Hey tube lovers, my DRRI that is on loan to a friend has a metalicy rattle sound, almost a buzz, sounds like a cricket, but here is the thing it only rattles when you hit a G note! Bad tube?
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone


It could just be the tube rattling in a loose socket perhaps..or maybe those metal coves that go over the preamp tubes... or a bad tube as you say.

current rig: AO Guitars Koa Venus Hollow-Rim->Q-tron->RMC2->Fulltone OCD->TS-9->TS-9 silver->Ross Compressor->Whammy II->Nova Repeater->Boomerang+->Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb RI

Other guitars: Gibson Les Paul Double Cut, Fender Strat, Ibanez AS-80, Carvin AE-185
Other amps: Fender Twin Reverb reissue, Mesa Boogie Mark III head


Custom Hollowbody -> TS-10 -> TS-9 modded -> Ross Compressor -> Whammy II (True Bypass) -> Tuner -> Black Cat Vibe -> Alesis Quadraverb -> Groove Tubes Soul-O-75 -> Groove Tubes 4x10 Cabinet || Hammond Leslie


I just wanted to share my appreciation for the wealth of knowledge above.  It's funny how certain topics mean more to me at different stages in my rig development.  I've read this post a while ago, but today I focus on certain parts of it because I'm studying speakers.

I'm going to see if a 12" Blue Dog Alnico 30 Watt will fit into a Blues Jr.  I may contactl CJ at Weber.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


There is a site which lists the speakers that fit into the Blues Jr. as well as what wont. I think its Billm's site. Anywhoo he specifically mentions that a 12" Blue Dog Alnico will not fit or "sometimes" just barely fit.

Just sayin... Possibly explore your options. Maybe the Celestion V30? Same price as the Blue Dog and pretty dam good.
AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux


Quote from: raisingfreen on December 16, 2010, 04:02:46 PM
There is a site which lists the speakers that fit into the Blues Jr. as well as what wont. I think its Billm's site. Anywhoo he specifically mentions that a 12" Blue Dog Alnico will not fit or "sometimes" just barely fit.

Just sayin... Possibly explore your options. Maybe the Celestion V30? Same price as the Blue Dog and pretty dam good.

Roger that my good man.  Yep I checked that site, but missed the fine print apparently.  I'll just have to get out my crow bar then won't I?! :D
Yeah that Celestion V30 sounds bad ass so I will be golden regardless.  I can't wait to get this ball rolling.  After Santa delivers, i'll get you all some pics and/or videos.  This is a big move for an small time player like myself.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex