Maxon OD9, Ts808, or Ts9/808

Started by YouEnjoyMyReba, October 27, 2009, 12:53:01 PM

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I'm thinking about getting a Marshall Shredmaster.  Thoughts?


never heard it

I like the OCD for Marshalish tones
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone


Quote from: Happyorange27 on February 18, 2011, 09:54:53 AM
YEMReba, Looks like you are using the silvers.

Your rig today:
LP Gibson Studio> Whammy II> Vox wah 847 (garmopat mod)> BiComp>Ts9 (silver) X2> Boomerang+> FDR

But I was curious why you run them after the compressor?  Does it sound better for you that way?

I used to compress first back in the day but I switched.

Yea it did sound better to me like that when I was playing at low volumes, which I spent most of my time doing in my room.  I found that it gave me more sustain if i turned my Ts9s way down and the amp to about 5 and I kind of used the compressor as almost like a gain boost.  Now I have the compressor after the Ts9s as Ive been playing with a couple of bands and moved into a new house where I can play as loud as I want. 

I was reading the thread about Trey's mid 90s tone and remembering when I was having so much trouble with my rig.  Today I am so happy with my sound that I'm scared to add anything else to my rig because I don't want anything to change in the slightest.  I really got a lot of help out of that thread and I appreciate it.  All I had to do was humble myself enough to ask for help... funny how that works in so many areas of my life. 

My whammy is not included in my rig right now because its fucked up but I do hope to get it fixed when I get a chance.  So right now I've got LP Studio> Vox Wah (garmopat)> Ts9 (silver> Ts9 (silver)> Bicompressor> Boomerang +> FDR.  Not really using any "psychadelic" or "trippy effect", just straight up playing guitar.  Thanks for all the help you guys have given me over the years!
LP Gibson Studio> Whammy II (currently not in rig)> Vox wah 847 (garmopat mod)>Ts9 (silver) X2> BiComp> Boomerang+> FDR '65 reissue


Nice. Update your rig signature if you wish accordingly.
I too am loving my tone but will always attempt to push it further.
I too am going more simple and less trippy these days and trying to work on playing instead of spacing out. Thanks for your update. Nice to have things in common.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


LP Gibson Studio> Whammy II (currently not in rig)> Vox wah 847 (garmopat mod)>Ts9 (silver) X2> BiComp> Boomerang+> FDR '65 reissue


Grand!  Helps us all out. I love watching these rigs morph and evolve.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex