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Started by Poster, January 21, 2009, 10:58:41 AM

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you're always on the warpath :P  It's you.  You have an intense personality: I bet everywhere you go you add a certain tension--a generic tension, that is, neither good nor bad.  I think it just means you lively up situations in general, which I like to have happen whenever and whereever possible; hence, carry on with your "bad attitude."  I kind of wanted to shout at a newb when one recently asked what Mesa Trey used and when he used it.  Does s/he think that this forum is somehow something other than what it is, a forum where Trey's guitar tone is the sole thematic issue governing our every act in relation to the coalition that is this place?  In short, I wanted to snap back, "it's been discussed!"  Meaning, don't be lazy--use the search engine to paruse our vast encyclopedia of Anastasioian guitarist historiography..


No worries dude, I love this place.  I will officially go out on a limb and declare that if it wasn't for this board and the constant pm'ing back and forth with 'posternutbag', my tone wouldn't even be a fraction of what it is now.

So thanks.
Current rig: 
Guitars:  AO Koa Venus, Denis Larocque Tele
Effects Board: AO Wheel-->Korg Pitchblack-->CAE M404 Wah-->Pigtronix Fat drive-->TC Electronic Alter Ego Delay-->amp
Amps:  Fender 1972 Twin Reverb