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Pedal placement....

Started by Stiles12, May 21, 2009, 03:32:23 AM

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I have just condensed my guitar rig, using most of my gear in a rack...

I have pedals in the rack run off of a switching unit, I also have some rack delays and rack reverbs... it is a Pre/Power set up with a GT trio and a VHT 2:90

all I have on the floor is a VP->WAH->Racked switching Unit (Both the switcher for the trio and for the effects are on the floor to but obviously no signal)... the switcher is run in stompbox mode and the loops are (1) TS9 (2) TS9 (3) Comp (4) Dm-2000 (5) Q-tron (6) M-one XL (reverb) (7) Hold (8.) Mod

I am contemplating switching the placement of the Dm, also putting the comp between the Ts9's but I am not sure where to go

Also should the Reverb be placed in the Pre-amps effects loop or placed after the pre but before the power amp? I am confused who can help  ???
Guitars- Parker Fly Mojo, McInturff Standard, gibson 446.
effect and amp chain- Ts9 silver (X2), Rmc-3, (To Rack) Groove Tube Trio> BBE Compressor> GCX Audio Switcher> Whammy II> Boomerang> D-Two> Dm-2000> Tc electronics M-one XL> VHT 2:90:2
SPL Transducer


the envelope should go first. the compressor will act as a sort of limiter keeping out all the shrill highs. your reverb should go before your delays. i dont see why you have the comp in its own loop? isnt it always on anyway? you might consider adding a passive FET buffer in your rack after your compressor to keep from losing any high end running through that rack gear.


The audio switcher I am using, uses FET buffers, so the comp is run through there at all times.

I have the comp in its own loop because I play some different jazz stuff and my amp clean sounds amazing for jazz tones when it is perfectly clean without a compressor or anything. Also when I use the "mean" and "scream portion of the amp is naturally compressed, very much like your knopfler. I basically use the comp right now as more of a sustain boost type thing. I tried putting behind the TS9 just didn't do it for me, I like the sound of the comp better than a limited TS9 (so that is already switched)...

would you put the reverb and delay after the pre-amp or before? I have a feeling that if I put the reverb in the pre-s loop it will sound more authentic and less digital.
Guitars- Parker Fly Mojo, McInturff Standard, gibson 446.
effect and amp chain- Ts9 silver (X2), Rmc-3, (To Rack) Groove Tube Trio> BBE Compressor> GCX Audio Switcher> Whammy II> Boomerang> D-Two> Dm-2000> Tc electronics M-one XL> VHT 2:90:2
SPL Transducer