Traveling with guitar, need tips...

Started by YouEnjoyMyReba, December 21, 2011, 10:01:26 AM

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So, January 4 I'll be moving to London (from North Carolina) for 6 months for school.  There is no way in hell I'm going 6 months without a guitar, but I am super paranoid about bring my Gibson on a plane, I'd prefer not to do it.  I've got this little vox headphone amp that I'll be bringing with me so I'm thinking I might just buy a cheap guitar (no more than $150) over there or possibly rent one if its possible.  Does anybody have any experience with this?  Suggestions of cheap but decent quality guitars? Thanks for your help
LP Gibson Studio> Whammy II (currently not in rig)> Vox wah 847 (garmopat mod)>Ts9 (silver) X2> BiComp> Boomerang+> FDR '65 reissue


Not totally fitting to our genre of music but Ibanez makes a really good and cheap beginners guitar called the Gio.  I've been teaching lessons for 8 years and these guitars have stayed in good shape way more than the cheap Squires and off brand name guitars that I've seen. 
Guitars: Fender Clapton Strat, Ibanez AS80, Ibanez AF75, Malden Holly Keyser [SD Jazz (neck), SD '59 (bridge)], Carlo Robelli USH-500HB, Martin DC-1E ('98), and a Peavey Grind 5-string bass.

Effects in chain: Whammy II (dry out to Korg Tuner), RMC6, TS-9 ('82), TS-808 ('81), Ross Compressor, Fulltone SupaTrem, Fulltone DejaVibe2, TC Elec Nova Repeater, Ibanez Digital Modulation Delay III (DML20), Boomerang+, Alesis Microverb I, H&K Rotosphere MkII --> amps.

Amps: Mesa Boogie MkIII Blue Stripe, Egnator Rebel 20 head > Mesa Boogie Road King 2x12 cab, Fender Blues Jr. Humboldt, Marshall VS102R, Fender Champion 600, and Fender Frontman 25R.

Effects currently not in chain: Ross Compressor (MIT), Keeley Compressor (2-knob), Keeley TS-9, and TS-9 ('82).