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Started by mcgrupperton, June 13, 2009, 12:30:22 AM

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..that after Camden, I didn't come home and go back to work. My friends and I almost did it after Camden, we almost followed the lines going south.

Any of you guys feel that too? Sucks being a semi-responsible adult sometimes. However, I have decided to go for more shows than Conn and Spac, organizing Maryland and Darien now. This summer tour should be a precursor of things to come for the guys and the new material is great and they are really working on nailing the compositions and listening. Anyone else like the introspective/metaphorical lyrics? I think most of us would come to a similar idea of what some are about, but then I wonder which ones apply to us and the scene. Either way, I feel it's easy to connect to alot of the lyrics, which is new for me and Phish. Back when Shine and Bar17 came out I was getting too nuts myself for a bit and songs like Spin, Wherever You Find It, were totally relatable. That song Low reminded me of an "I know I'm messing up, but I don't care right now" kinda vibe. The new lyrics to me are introspective, honest, and some happy..especially at the end of TTE..the lyrics gives you an idea of where Trey is at.

FYI: my buddy is in bonnaroo and so far it's: Chalkdust, Dreams *new tune me thinks, Divided