Important speaker cab Question.

Started by Brian27, February 25, 2011, 06:31:17 PM

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What speakers would be good for an extension cab with an amp running 12AX7's and 6L6's?

sour d

Phiga bolt or Resurrection phishy hollowbody>bc rich emp 45 5 loop switcher. LOOP1: Emma discumbobulator>RMC joe walsh wah>'82 ts9>silver mod od9>ross compressor. LOOP2: add mid '80's proco rat LOOP3: add whammyII> digitech ex7. LOOP4: add microverb X2> dm2000> boomerang> digitech JML2. LOOP5: guitar into amp. '76 fender twin or a '64 fender deluxe


I believe i have found my answer. Thanks so much Sour d


I like the Vintage 30s. But I have Super 65s in my 4x12 Cab and I really like those too.
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone