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Trey's gear

Started by Walker done done, August 12, 2011, 02:03:02 PM

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Walker done done

Most of the stuff in here we already knew, but there are some tasty nuggets of info.  Nothing groundbreaking, but good stuff nonetheless.

Here is the original thread:
Guitars: Resurrection Phishy Hollowbody (koa top/back, cedar sides, Schaller Golden 50 pups, 2 series/single coil/parallel switches), Gibson SG Faded, Dean Evo, Fender Tele, Ovation Acoustic, Fender Acoustic

Signal Path: Garmopat-modded Vox V847 wah > Emma Discumbobulator > TS808 silver > TS9 silver > Ross Compressor (grey) > Alesis Microverb (reverb) > Mesa Boogie Mark III with custom 2x12 AO cabinet (speakers: Tone Tubby & Emminence Commonwealth).

Loop 1: Whammy II > Nova Delay
Loop 2: Alesis Microverb (reverse) > Ibanez DM2000 > CAE Super Trem > Black Cat Vibe
Loop 3 Boomerang+
Tuner: Boss TU-3

Effects not in use:  Voce Spin II (leslie sim), Boss DD6, Digitech RPM-1 (leslie sim), Analogman Orange Squeeze, Keeley 4knob Comp, Ernie Ball Volume Pedal, Super Hard On (boost), Ibanez AW7 (autowah), Denelectro French Fries (autowah) - If interested in any of these PM me.  Always willing to deal.


Quote from: Walker done done on August 12, 2011, 02:03:02 PM

Most of the stuff in here we already knew, but there are some tasty nuggets of info.  Nothing groundbreaking, but good stuff nonetheless.

Here is the original thread:

Awesome! I am always interested in different POV and new nuggets on Trey's gear, or any gear for that matter. Thanks for posting.  8)

On a related note, here's a blog post about the summer '10 gear.

Guitars: Gibson ES-339 and LP studio w/ grovers and WCR Fillmores. Simon and Patrick Showcase Rosewood CW, PRS SE Semi Hollow w/ mods, modded Ibanez MC300NT
Amps: Groove Tubes Soul-O 45, Fuchs ODS 50 mod - EVM12L, Emi RW&B, and Weber Cali cabs
Ardx20 w/ Amaze0 in the loop.


Thanks for the reading.  I could withstand having a very up-to-date section on Trey's rig and a linked complete history.  I know there are several good articles out there.  Our little page is ok but needs updating here on this site. 

Another cool feature would be that next to each item in the list, there could be comments or a thumbs up or down as to how credible that item is currently.   For example, if someone said RMC inside a crybaby shell, you could see how many folks would thumbs up that or down if they don't feel that is the case.  Maybe i'm going off on a tangent but still i would like to see something like that.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


What's up fellas.  Haven't really chimed in lately but I still check things out here often.  I'm gonna play devils advocate here and go along with the gentleman that commented at the bottom of the article about the use of Mk III.  If he is just slaving out the power section then why is the input of the amp and the lead footswitch plugged in?  I have the same Boogie and some speculations of my own.  Based off of the settings of the amp in the photos and some extensive tweaking sessions i think he's using the 2ND channel of the Mk for his clean sound and the lead channel for the really gritty sound along with his TS's of course.  My reasoning for the 2ND channel being used for clean is this, with the input gain setting being as low as it is the first channel would be ridiculously clean and weak sounding overall.  The second channel at that setting has a bit of hair on it when strummed hard but cleans up when the volume is backed off.  It also has more mid range and to my ears sounds closer to his clean sound than the 1st channel does.  Lastly the lead channel has a nice warm power tube break up to it without being overly aggressive with the low input gain setting.  The second channel also cascades into the lead channel when used this way.  Switching from channel 1 to lead bypasses channel 2.  By going from channel 2 to 3 it gives the lead channel a bit more depth and harmonic content.  I also have a DR clone that has a mid boost that I've built in to one of the channels that I have run into the power section of the Boogie and while it does sound good it doesn't sound like his latest tone.  Again, this is all just based off of what I have been experimenting with but to me it sounds like he is using just the straight Boogie.  I'm sure it's been modded.  There are certain things that have to be done to them to get rid of the 80's metal tone but once these mods are done it is a sweet sounding rig.  That's just my long winded .02$ ;)
Guitars: 4 custom built, '79 LP standard, '69 ES 355, '83 LP Jr, '02 PRS HB II, '99 Strat>Bypass looper: Whammy II>Clyde Deluxe Wah>Maxon OD9Pro+>Cusack Tap-A-Whirl>Deja Vibe>Neo Ventilator>Fuchs TDS 100
Effects Loop: DD-7(short)>DD-7(long)


Shocked, thanks for the input dude.  I really like your theory, especially because you back it up experiments.  This is all very intriguing and you have me thinking a bunch.  I've never played a Mk III let alone a Boogie at all.  Keep digging man.  We are putting the pieces together.  It's like Trey is freaking Leonardo di Vinci and he gives us pieces of the puzzle but leaves so much to be mysterious.  I don't think Trey is protective of his signature rig but he sure isn't publishing a detailed schematic is he?! :P
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


Quote from: Happyorange27 on August 16, 2011, 03:50:12 PMI don't think Trey is protective of his signature rig but he sure isn't publishing a detailed schematic is he?! :P

Well, let's just hope that he has much better things to do, like  Shocked, I have a question about something you said about the Mark III.

Quote from: ShockedAndPersuaded on August 16, 2011, 12:09:53 AMI'm sure it's been modded.  There are certain things that have to be done to them to get rid of the 80's metal tone but once these mods are done it is a sweet sounding rig.  That's just my long winded .02$ ;)

Ok, so what mods are done?  I'm curious what info is out there to verify that a) the boogie has been modded, b) what are those mods?

There is a semi-local guy selling a mint Mark III, but I don't think I'm that interested in dropping that kind of cash for something I will have do a bunch of mods to, you know?
Current rig: 
Guitars:  AO Koa Venus, Denis Larocque Tele
Effects Board: AO Wheel-->Korg Pitchblack-->CAE M404 Wah-->Pigtronix Fat drive-->TC Electronic Alter Ego Delay-->amp
Amps:  Fender 1972 Twin Reverb


I think Trey should join this forum and totally detail his rig in the signature. Ha!
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


Quote from: Happyorange27 on August 16, 2011, 08:16:10 PM
I think Trey should join this forum and totally detail his rig in the signature. Ha!

Agreed.  As for the mod questions Col there are 2-3 really helpful mods on that amp that if you're handy with a soldering iron can be done on the cheap.  The two that most folks do are done to the lead channel and to the presence control.  This involves swapping out some caps and resistors.  On the lead channel it helps to smooth out the OD and take out some of the harshness.  The presence mod just expands the frequency range to a more useable range.  Stock is way too bright. There are a few other things that can be done as well to help change the "flavor" of the amp.   The other mod is whats known as the R2 mod.  It simply adds a volume pot to the second channel.  I learned everything that I know about Mk III's from a site called The Boogie Board.  Lots of very useful info there.  I don't know for a fact that Trey's has been modded.  I'm just assuming it is.  If I set my amp up to the settings in the pic I get REALLY close to his 3.0 sound and mine has been modded.  I also have a stock Mk III and it sounds completely different when set up the same way.  Here again this is all speculation. 
Guitars: 4 custom built, '79 LP standard, '69 ES 355, '83 LP Jr, '02 PRS HB II, '99 Strat>Bypass looper: Whammy II>Clyde Deluxe Wah>Maxon OD9Pro+>Cusack Tap-A-Whirl>Deja Vibe>Neo Ventilator>Fuchs TDS 100
Effects Loop: DD-7(short)>DD-7(long)


Dude you are unturning a nice stone hear. Can you post a recording of your tone?
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


I've got a gig this Friday.  I'll see if I can get the sound man to bring his lap top so we can record.  I'll get him to post it to our site.  I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but anything outside of guitar gear and I'm pretty well technologically inept.   :-[  I also own zero recording equipment.  If he doesn't bring it Friday I'll get him to record me at his studio. 
Guitars: 4 custom built, '79 LP standard, '69 ES 355, '83 LP Jr, '02 PRS HB II, '99 Strat>Bypass looper: Whammy II>Clyde Deluxe Wah>Maxon OD9Pro+>Cusack Tap-A-Whirl>Deja Vibe>Neo Ventilator>Fuchs TDS 100
Effects Loop: DD-7(short)>DD-7(long)


Does anyone you know have an iPhone? Just record using the voice recorder. Just a backup idea. Your primary ideas would be great. Just checked out Boogie Board. Cool!
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


Quote from: ShockedAndPersuaded on August 16, 2011, 12:09:53 AM
What's up fellas.  Haven't really chimed in lately but I still check things out here often.  I'm gonna play devils advocate here and go along with the gentleman that commented at the bottom of the article about the use of Mk III.  If he is just slaving out the power section then why is the input of the amp and the lead footswitch plugged in?  I have the same Boogie and some speculations of my own.  Based off of the settings of the amp in the photos and some extensive tweaking sessions i think he's using the 2ND channel of the Mk for his clean sound and the lead channel for the really gritty sound along with his TS's of course.  My reasoning for the 2ND channel being used for clean is this, with the input gain setting being as low as it is the first channel would be ridiculously clean and weak sounding overall.  The second channel at that setting has a bit of hair on it when strummed hard but cleans up when the volume is backed off.  It also has more mid range and to my ears sounds closer to his clean sound than the 1st channel does.  Lastly the lead channel has a nice warm power tube break up to it without being overly aggressive with the low input gain setting.  The second channel also cascades into the lead channel when used this way.  Switching from channel 1 to lead bypasses channel 2.  By going from channel 2 to 3 it gives the lead channel a bit more depth and harmonic content.  I also have a DR clone that has a mid boost that I've built in to one of the channels that I have run into the power section of the Boogie and while it does sound good it doesn't sound like his latest tone.  Again, this is all just based off of what I have been experimenting with but to me it sounds like he is using just the straight Boogie.  I'm sure it's been modded.  There are certain things that have to be done to them to get rid of the 80's metal tone but once these mods are done it is a sweet sounding rig.  That's just my long winded .02$ ;)
Great post.  I considered purchasing a MkIII a couple months ago, when I was offered one at a great price.  I decided to pass.  Do you know which "stripe" Trey's is?  I know there were 5 different releases and the tone of each is a little different. 
Guitars: Fender Clapton Strat, Ibanez AS80, Ibanez AF75, Malden Holly Keyser [SD Jazz (neck), SD '59 (bridge)], Carlo Robelli USH-500HB, Martin DC-1E ('98), and a Peavey Grind 5-string bass.

Effects in chain: Whammy II (dry out to Korg Tuner), RMC6, TS-9 ('82), TS-808 ('81), Ross Compressor, Fulltone SupaTrem, Fulltone DejaVibe2, TC Elec Nova Repeater, Ibanez Digital Modulation Delay III (DML20), Boomerang+, Alesis Microverb I, H&K Rotosphere MkII --> amps.

Amps: Mesa Boogie MkIII Blue Stripe, Egnator Rebel 20 head > Mesa Boogie Road King 2x12 cab, Fender Blues Jr. Humboldt, Marshall VS102R, Fender Champion 600, and Fender Frontman 25R.

Effects currently not in chain: Ross Compressor (MIT), Keeley Compressor (2-knob), Keeley TS-9, and TS-9 ('82).


Trey's amp is a red stripe long head.  It's the only stripe that had a true half power switch along with the simul-class.  Most Boogie owners swear that it's also the closest one in tone to the coveted Mk II C+.  Trey also used to use 5881's instead of the 6L6/EL34 combo that these amps came with.  I'm not sure if he's still using that same set up or not.  I'm pretty sure he's not using EL34's.  I've seen some pics from behind the stage and all the tubes appear to be of the 6L6 family. 
Guitars: 4 custom built, '79 LP standard, '69 ES 355, '83 LP Jr, '02 PRS HB II, '99 Strat>Bypass looper: Whammy II>Clyde Deluxe Wah>Maxon OD9Pro+>Cusack Tap-A-Whirl>Deja Vibe>Neo Ventilator>Fuchs TDS 100
Effects Loop: DD-7(short)>DD-7(long)

Walker done done

Quote from: ShockedAndPersuaded on August 19, 2011, 01:39:33 PM
Trey's amp is a red stripe long head.  It's the only stripe that had a true half power switch along with the simul-class.  Most Boogie owners swear that it's also the closest one in tone to the coveted Mk II C+.  Trey also used to use 5881's instead of the 6L6/EL34 combo that these amps came with.  I'm not sure if he's still using that same set up or not.  I'm pretty sure he's not using EL34's.  I've seen some pics from behind the stage and all the tubes appear to be of the 6L6 family. 

I have a green stripe MKIII and it does have the switch between Class A and SimulClass....?

Thanks for the info on the tubes though, I wasn't aware he was running 5881's.  I currently have EL34's & 6L6's in mine so I may check those out.
Guitars: Resurrection Phishy Hollowbody (koa top/back, cedar sides, Schaller Golden 50 pups, 2 series/single coil/parallel switches), Gibson SG Faded, Dean Evo, Fender Tele, Ovation Acoustic, Fender Acoustic

Signal Path: Garmopat-modded Vox V847 wah > Emma Discumbobulator > TS808 silver > TS9 silver > Ross Compressor (grey) > Alesis Microverb (reverb) > Mesa Boogie Mark III with custom 2x12 AO cabinet (speakers: Tone Tubby & Emminence Commonwealth).

Loop 1: Whammy II > Nova Delay
Loop 2: Alesis Microverb (reverse) > Ibanez DM2000 > CAE Super Trem > Black Cat Vibe
Loop 3 Boomerang+
Tuner: Boss TU-3

Effects not in use:  Voce Spin II (leslie sim), Boss DD6, Digitech RPM-1 (leslie sim), Analogman Orange Squeeze, Keeley 4knob Comp, Ernie Ball Volume Pedal, Super Hard On (boost), Ibanez AW7 (autowah), Denelectro French Fries (autowah) - If interested in any of these PM me.  Always willing to deal.


Quote from: ShockedAndPersuaded on August 19, 2011, 01:39:33 PM
Trey's amp is a red stripe long head.  It's the only stripe that had a true half power switch along with the simul-class.  Most Boogie owners swear that it's also the closest one in tone to the coveted Mk II C+.  Trey also used to use 5881's instead of the 6L6/EL34 combo that these amps came with.  I'm not sure if he's still using that same set up or not.  I'm pretty sure he's not using EL34's.  I've seen some pics from behind the stage and all the tubes appear to be of the 6L6 family. 

This has really got me thinking about doing yet another mod to my Blues Jr; the octal socket mod so i can run 6V6 or 5881.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex