Adamas 2.0's are back limited time only through Dunlop

Started by GDCSH-1, December 05, 2011, 02:58:49 PM

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Hey guys, my friend knowing that i play these picks just sent me this link, you can order them through the website.

Forgive me if it has already been posted on the forum. Cheers
"Make Your Move To Improve Your Groove" -Magic Hat cap


These are awesome picks, I have been rotating through the same 3 for over a year now and they hardly look worn. Strong,  punchy attack.
Guitars: Paul Languedoc, Matt Atringer, David Myka, Ron Thorn

Amps: '65 Princeton Reverb, Clark '59 Bassman clone

Rusty the Scoob

It's THE Trey pick, gotta have it. 

On bass I've tried the Adamas 2.0mm, Dunlop Gator Grip 2.0mm, and Telefunken 1.6mm triangle.

The 1.6mm triangles are clearly a bass pick to me.  They NAIL 90's Phil and Cactus.

The Dunlop 2.0mm and Adamas 2.0mm are similar in feel - same thickness, different tone.  Adamas are brighter, dunlop are cheaper.  Either one is a huge revolution on guitar, they make you rethink your whole approach to vibrating the strings.  You can hold the pick gently for a strumming feel or grip it tightly for an accent or precise attack.  Highly recommended for anyone still using Fender Heavys or Mediums or whatever floppy thing.... thick picks mean CONTROL.

(and I'm a fingerstyle bass player by training... but you gotta adapt)
Phishhead playing Phil


Quote from: Rusty the Scoob on December 05, 2011, 11:17:45 PM
....  Highly recommended for anyone still using Fender Heavys or Mediums or whatever floppy thing.... thick picks mean CONTROL.

Hell yeah. Playing with my new 2.0mm picks, last night, for the first time, was a real eye opener. I seem to have the "technique" because it's no more "harder" to pick than my 0.83s, but the tone is there and the sound is great. It feels wonderful and  the control is unsurpassed. It almost drives improvement.... smaller movements and firmer (and more varied) attack. It just seems easier to get dynamic variation. The thicker picks are louder and its easier to drive the amp past transition.

My wife was telling me to turn it down. But honey... how can you say that when I'm playing and your speaking over me in your inside voice?

I will need to get the Adamas and check them out.
Guitar>GCB-95 Wah>Qtron+>Vibe Machine>TS9> Booty Queue Retro Comp>Phase 90-script >Express 25 - FX loop> Nova Repeater>Nova Reverb>Boss- RC-20XL>Amp Return.

Guitars: 1976 Gibson Les Paul (w/ SD Pearly Gates).
Schecter C1-E/A Semi-hollow with '76 Gibson Stock Pickups + MIDI
Fender Stratocaster + MIDI
Sideboard-> Boss SD-1, and OC-3 , MXR 10-band EQ

Amps: Mesa Nomad 55, Express 25 (both 1x12 combos) and Fender Frontman25R w/ 10" Eminence Rajin Cajun speaker


GDCSH-1 how do you know they are selling for a limited time only?  I didn't see that anywhere.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex

Rusty the Scoob

I got an e-mail from Dunlop.  They made a batch and supposedly won't make another one once they're gone... again.

Telefunken makes good copies also, only sold through Ebay.  I haven't tried the 2.0mm Trey/Jerry picks but their 1.6mm triangle Phil/Cactus picks are great.
Phishhead playing Phil


Good to know.  I'll probably buy some for my stocking stuffer.  I have the Telefunken 2.0 picks.  They are just as good but they have the texture (knurl) on the wide end.  That's the end I use on the strings and that texture can grate across the strings if you hold it a certain way.  That's not desirable.  I learned how to hold it so it doesn't do that but you could also sand down the texture if you play that way.  So for me I'm inclined to just by the Adamas and be done with the rest.
A.O. Hollowbody>Whammy II>MC-404 CAE Wah>Polytune Mini>Whipple Baby Tooth Fuzz>TS9 early 80's>TS9 Analogman Silver>Bone Squeeze Compressor>Wilson Effects Haze Deluxe>Fish N Chips Eq>Flashback Delay>gigfx chopper>Jamman Stereo>Fender Blues Jr. III w/ Billm mods & Cannabis Rex


Two bags ordered! Thanks for the heads-up.

As far as "the point" is concerned, it holds up fairly well but I find that the pick gets a little slippery so I use the gator grip 2.0mm's mostly.
Guitars: Gibson ES-339 and LP studio w/ grovers and WCR Fillmores. Simon and Patrick Showcase Rosewood CW, PRS SE Semi Hollow w/ mods, modded Ibanez MC300NT
Amps: Groove Tubes Soul-O 45, Fuchs ODS 50 mod - EVM12L, Emi RW&B, and Weber Cali cabs
Ardx20 w/ Amaze0 in the loop.


Agreed! Thank you for the heads up and if all things stay cool, I'll find 2 bags of these in my stocking this year. Between those and the 1/2 gross of 2.0mm Gator Grips (thanks Tom for the recommendation), I should have a lifetime supply of 2.0 picks.
Guitar>GCB-95 Wah>Qtron+>Vibe Machine>TS9> Booty Queue Retro Comp>Phase 90-script >Express 25 - FX loop> Nova Repeater>Nova Reverb>Boss- RC-20XL>Amp Return.

Guitars: 1976 Gibson Les Paul (w/ SD Pearly Gates).
Schecter C1-E/A Semi-hollow with '76 Gibson Stock Pickups + MIDI
Fender Stratocaster + MIDI
Sideboard-> Boss SD-1, and OC-3 , MXR 10-band EQ

Amps: Mesa Nomad 55, Express 25 (both 1x12 combos) and Fender Frontman25R w/ 10" Eminence Rajin Cajun speaker


Quote from: manicstarseed on December 11, 2011, 07:10:02 PM
Agreed! Thank you for the heads up and if all things stay cool, I'll find 2 bags of these in my stocking this year. Between those and the 1/2 gross of 2.0mm Gator Grips (thanks Tom for the recommendation), I should have a lifetime supply of 2.0 picks.

Yeah the 2.0's are great, I bought a bag of 1.5mm Gator Grips and they just don't get used as much for some reason.
Guitars: Gibson ES-339 and LP studio w/ grovers and WCR Fillmores. Simon and Patrick Showcase Rosewood CW, PRS SE Semi Hollow w/ mods, modded Ibanez MC300NT
Amps: Groove Tubes Soul-O 45, Fuchs ODS 50 mod - EVM12L, Emi RW&B, and Weber Cali cabs
Ardx20 w/ Amaze0 in the loop.


Tried ordering these today but apparently you cant ship to a different place than the billing address  >:(. Pretty dumb for a major retailer. Any other picks that are close to these. I've been using .75 mm for a while now and occasionally a Jazz pick. Interested in a bigger thickness. The gravity pick classics are nice but I like the clear one that gets lost easily.
LP Studio w/ Wolfetone DR. V>Wilson Rippah>MXR Classic Dist>CompRosser>Strymon Mobius>Boomerang>TU-2>Fender SF Champ


I use the Dunlop 208 2mm picks and the 2mm Gator Grips and are vey happy with them. I perfer the 208s ove the adamas ones.
Guitar>GCB-95 Wah>Qtron+>Vibe Machine>TS9> Booty Queue Retro Comp>Phase 90-script >Express 25 - FX loop> Nova Repeater>Nova Reverb>Boss- RC-20XL>Amp Return.

Guitars: 1976 Gibson Les Paul (w/ SD Pearly Gates).
Schecter C1-E/A Semi-hollow with '76 Gibson Stock Pickups + MIDI
Fender Stratocaster + MIDI
Sideboard-> Boss SD-1, and OC-3 , MXR 10-band EQ

Amps: Mesa Nomad 55, Express 25 (both 1x12 combos) and Fender Frontman25R w/ 10" Eminence Rajin Cajun speaker


Just got some 208's per Manic's recommendation. First impression, I like it. The size is going to take some getting used to as I was playing Jazz picks and regular .73mm. I feel like there is plenty of control and speed with this pick, I can either glide the tip across the strings or dig in very easily. Overall: very good value at $4 for 6 opposed to the $21 for 12 Adamas
LP Studio w/ Wolfetone DR. V>Wilson Rippah>MXR Classic Dist>CompRosser>Strymon Mobius>Boomerang>TU-2>Fender SF Champ