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TB looper?

Started by TheSeeker, June 10, 2013, 12:24:37 AM

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Hey everyone, I was thinkin about getting a TB looper but I'm not sure I really need one as I've never used one.  Do they really make a big difference in tone quality?  As of now my signal chain is:
Guitar>whammy ii>ts9>ts9>Ross comp>delay>ditto>microverb>cae black cat>tuner>amp.  I was thinking maybe a 2 or 3 channel one, and have my ts9's and ross on one channel and everything else on the other.  Or have the microverb and black cat on one channel.  I'm really not sure...any suggestions would be much appreciated.
PRS SE Semi-Hollow>Korg Tuner>Whammy ii>TS-9 Silver>TS-9 Silver>Ross Compressor>Delay>Ditto>Microverb>CAE Black Cat Vibe>Fender HRD (Weber Blue Dog)


Loop-master makes some very nice ones that you can tailor to your liking. If you're a TGP member there's usually some on the emporium for nice prices. I'd look into getting at least a 5 switcher w/ a master bypass and tuner out. At least get the whammy and other digital effects in a TB loop, it's what Trey does!
Guitars: Gibson ES-339 and LP studio w/ grovers and WCR Fillmores. Simon and Patrick Showcase Rosewood CW, PRS SE Semi Hollow w/ mods, modded Ibanez MC300NT
Amps: Groove Tubes Soul-O 45, Fuchs ODS 50 mod - EVM12L, Emi RW&B, and Weber Cali cabs
Ardx20 w/ Amaze0 in the loop.

Heady Jam Fan

Funny you mention it!

I just ordered one from eBay - Buzz Electronics.
Its pretty cheap and mixes the ability to make presets and control single loops.

It has mixed reviews on TGP, but has great feedback on eBay. I got one with 8 loops, I think I will make a few presets for different core tones and use a few buttons for single loops:

Presets for:
Clean (cleanish TS9>Comp)
Milder OD (mildly overdriven TS9>comp)
Cranked TS9 or Rat (will have both in the same loop since I will only use one at a time + comp)
Stacked TS9s (+comp)

Buttons to control single loops for:
Lead (Either an EQ pedal or amps GEQ + Microverb I or '83 AD9)
Modulation (Phase 45)
Tuner (maybe)

I think it will help a bit with tone, but will definitely help with tap dancing!
The buffer on the MXR and Microverb don't seem great, but the Ibanez pedals are pretty good...
Headless Hollowbody > Mesa Boogie MK III > TRM Trucker 212 w/ V30's
Whammy 5 > Mini Wah > 74 Script Phase 90 > CP9Pro+ > 82 TS9 > 83 TS9 > Ross Compressor > Turbo-Tuner > 83 AD9