Do you go onto the Gear Page?

Started by fulltone1989, January 14, 2014, 01:33:59 PM

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Hey guys, been out of the loop here for a little while, hope to start posting more again. Anyway, I try to stay away from the gear page. It's just impossible to keep up.  Plus there is the ridiculous nature of some of the people there.  I visit every now and then when I'm looking for some specific opinions.  But I like reverb and guitars canada, it's the gear page for us northerners, but way less people.  And for the most part, really solid people.

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Current rig: 
Guitars:  AO Koa Venus, Denis Larocque Tele
Effects Board: AO Wheel-->Korg Pitchblack-->CAE M404 Wah-->Pigtronix Fat drive-->TC Electronic Alter Ego Delay-->amp
Amps:  Fender 1972 Twin Reverb