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Pedal Placement Help

Started by zlew3885, June 07, 2009, 02:08:28 PM

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Got some new gear (nothing too exciting).  Can you guys give me a hand on how to place my pedals

Heres how i have it now

'84 MIJ Strat Lace Sensor Pups (volume stays low, like 3 or 4)
BOSS/ROLAND MIJ CS-3 Comp (had the comp after the OD, but it squashed the sound like crazy)(Level 12, tone 9, attack full, sustain 12)
Orig Crybaby
TS9 (drive 1 oclock, Level 9, tone 12)
Have a TS7 too, havent been using it, how can i chain the ODs together to get really good crunch?
80's EH 4800 Small Stone Phaser (Rate 12 oclock)
DOD FX 90 Analog Delay (Cant decide on a setting for this)
Kustom 12a Tube (12w 12ax7 Pre-amp) Gain 1 Bass FULL Treble FULL Volume 3/4 (this amp doesnt sound that good without the EQ all the way up and gain rolled back)

I like to play funk, especially like the way the phaser sounds with funk chords, but I play some rock too, and want to be able to drive the amp with the pedals.
any advice appreciated


Since everyone else is on tour it seems, I'll take a stab at helping you out.
I think you will find most of the advice on here will say to place your Crybaby first so maybe try a basic setup such as:

Maybe turn the attack knob down a bit on your compressor.
Just a note: Why is your volume so low on the guitar itself? Why do you set the Bass and Treble at Full? Does you amp had any Mid control? If not roll try to roll off the extreme settings a bit both on your amp and your compressor "ie attack". Start in the middle on your amp settings and adjust from there. I have never heard of the amp so don't know the layout. Sometimes subtle settings add the best sounds.

AO Guitars - Venus Hollow Rim w/Wolftone Dr. Vintage Humbuckers
Signal: Tuner>MXR Dist+>Ross Comp>RV-3>Alesis Nano>Silverface Vibrolux



raising freen hit it pretty much on the head there I think.  If I may, I used to own one of those TS7's and I wouldn't bother putting that in your chain, the TS9 should provide all you need.  If you were looking for a second OD, I would probably get another TS9 and put right beside your current one, before the compressor.  Or, I know posternutbag swears by his Clark Gainster, and I'm a big fan of my Diamond Drive which are made in Halifax, NS.  Not sure if you were looking to spend any more money, but those two options are great ones.  It seems to me that your amp might have distortion on it as well??  Do you like it at all?

Also, like Mr. Freen, I would probably suggest having your guitar volume around 7, I like having my Koa strat around there, and like Raising Freen I would try rolling the treble and bass back on the amp.

Hope this helps....
Current rig: 
Guitars:  AO Koa Venus, Denis Larocque Tele
Effects Board: AO Wheel-->Korg Pitchblack-->CAE M404 Wah-->Pigtronix Fat drive-->TC Electronic Alter Ego Delay-->amp
Amps:  Fender 1972 Twin Reverb